Да, альбом как ни крути и не слушай, отличный! К тому же, из-за него я еще больше жду новый альбом ДМ! Хочется от них услышать нечто еще более неожиданное.
You have seen better days. You have lived better ways.
думаю, от ДМ по-любому будет что-то более неожиданное.
В сети появилось качество 320.
Разум когда нибудь победит.
коллеги, а есть инфа какие песни дейвка написал?
в инете не могу найти кредитсов к диску
Oh when we're teetering On the edge of collapse Nothing can keep us down
GreenGo, на дискогсе написано, что все тексты кроме La Ribera и Point Sur.
quasi писал:
GreenGo, на дискогсе написано, что все тексты кроме La Ribera и Point Sur.
Бикоз это инструменталы, гы-гы...
он писал все тексты кроме музыки к ним) этим соулы занимались видимо
You have seen better days. You have lived better ways.
Если кому интересно, озон дот ру толкает кириллицу TLTDS по 292 рубля. Магазин заявляет, что диск издан в дигипаке
yerohauniverse писал:
он писал все тексты кроме музыки к ним) этим соулы занимались видимо
вот саунд и получился говенным(
Даже когда ему отрубили голову, он продолжал нести такую ...уйню, что палач в запале отрубил себе уши...
На мой взгляд, отличный альбом, Гэан поёт с душой и музыка не плоха
P.S. может быть плохо ищу, но где можно найти тексты песен?
я тоже ищу плохо и никак не найду
Даже когда ему отрубили голову, он продолжал нести такую ...уйню, что палач в запале отрубил себе уши...
The leaves are falling It’s in your nature I’m counting all the sticks left on the ground Early this morning When I tried to wake ya You wasn’t making any kind of sound
Why can’t you hear me? Why don't you feel me? Was there a message That I’m not getting? Do you think that I am lost or am I found Just after midnight When I woke up sweating I was dreaming you were right here with me now
No Why can’t you hear me? Why don’t you heal me? I am lost I am lost here I’m lost in hell
So I am nothing If I’m not with you In the morning we’ll forget this night somehow
I'm going to have to put one lyric per post. Here is the next one:
I was walking home alone late the other night I couldn't see a single star in the sky Oh, they must be too high Shadows dance around me in the dark Don't stop
This could be the longest day And the night has yet to come This must be the door to take There's nowhere left to run
This could be the longest day And the night has yet to come This must be the door to take I've nowhere left to run
Was eleven years to change what had been lost One single shot was fired at what a cost Oh, at what a cost
This could be the longest day And the night has yet to come This must be the door to take There's nowhere left to run
This could be the longest day And the night has yet to come This must be the door to take I've nowhere left to run
I wanna run I better run now Run As far as I can
I can feel the presence of god Occupying my intentions In my soul within my thoughts And in wasted dreary dimensions
These thoughts torment me They mold and shape me There’s a man that I should be Or someone I could be Nothing can break me Nothing that I see You can’t shake me You can’t take me So set me free
I can feel the presence of god In need of my attention In this room and in your words In too many ways to mention
These thoughts torment me They mold and shape me There’s a man that I should be Or someone I could be Nothing can break me Nothing that I see You can’t shake me You can’t take me So set me free
I can feel the presence of love Holding my attention
She torments me Creates and shapes me There’s a man that I should be Or someone I could be Nothing can break me Nothing that I see You can’t shake me You can’t take me So set me free
You came to me with open arms To take away my fears I took you in and you stayed awhile Live with me right here
You told me to believe in something Something that’s true Like the mountains and the deep blue oceans So much bigger than you
He said, just try Come on, just try Lord, just try Just try, just try
I offered you a place to stay Somewhere to rest your head Lord knows, I need you here There was something you said
You’ll have to believe in something Something bigger than you Like the great wide open spaces There’s religions too
He said, just try Come on, just try Lord, just try Just try, just try
It gave me more than I deserve It gave me peace It gave me everything I love in this world And now I have to sleep Just let me sleep I have to sleep
I watched you rising I watched you sleep I knew you would, just like me Intoxicated Oh struggling to breathe I heard you whimpering In the back room Gone too far Too far too soon
I guess it’s your time here That time for you When it all comes crashing down on you Yes, I’ve been praying Oh, so what else am I supposed to do? I heard you whispering In the back room You’ve gone too far, too far too soon
You made that mistake now They were coming for you You’ve gone too far Too far too soon
Now you feel nothing Life can be cruel That night I saw you You passed by my room I hope you make peace with the man in the moon (???)
The first time you gave me freedom For the first time I felt free As long as you were right with me here There’s nothing else that I would need
You take me back there Take me back home, please No, I can’t go in there Just take me back home, home Is where I wanna be
I was a fool before I met you Only fools find it hard to believe You just might be my only savior If you are, then come and save me If that’s true, come back and save me
You take me back there Take me back home, please No, I can’t go in there Just take me back home, home Is where I wanna be
Where all my stumbling misses And all your wonderful kisses That’s where I want to be That’s just me
You take me back there Take me back home, please No, I can’t go in there Just take me back home, home Is where I wanna be
There’s no tomorrow Only yesterday I may have drunk too much Now I’ll have to pay So how far should I go Oh that’s hard to say
Wild is the sky That covers you Long be the night That comforts you Dark is the day confronting you And pushing you
There’s a face in the mirror That I don’t understand See the one that I wear is not who I am I made up my mind And I want to stay
Wild is the sky That covers you Long be the night That comforts you Dark is the day confronting you And pushing you
You’re such a bitter man Doing all that you can In the name of fun Just a bitter man Taking all that you can All for number one
There’s no confusion Only black No questions left to ask Like, am I coming back? I made up my mind And I want to stay
You’re such a bitter man Doing all that you can In the name of fun Just a bitter man Taking all that you can For the number one
You’re such a bitter man Doing all that you can All in the name of fun Just a bitter man Taking all that you can All for number one
Even as you talk I can’t understand a word Lips they keep on moving Telling tired tales that have all been heard
So many precious days And all the parts you’ve played You’ve looked so fine All those days have gone You tried to get along Win (???) a heart not all the time
I can’t stay with you in me anymore I feel like my time is running out I know that much for sure
I can’t stay another day in here with you I feel like my time is running out I know that much for sure
Spend your days complaining Doubt puts only in your head Turning every page in your book of everything You should have done instead
So many wasted days And all the parts you’ve played It’s the same old song Well I guess it’s up to you I wonder what you’ll do Don’t take, don’t take too long
I can’t stay with you in here anymore I feel like my time is running out I know that much is true (for sure)
I can’t stay for another day in here with you I feel like my time is running out I know that much is true (for sure)
Take, take all you can From the life you’ve been given And stop making plans This world is all that you need You just have to notice Remember to breathe
There’s a price that you pay With the games that you play with that devil And you better be sure when you walk through that door before you meddle Life is so short and you’re going to get caught being bought And the choices you make and the demons you wake must be fought
Take, take all you can From the life you’ve been given And stop making plans
There’s a price that you pay With the games you play with that devil And you better be sure when you walk through that door before you meddle The life is so short and you’re going to get caught being bought And the choices you make and the demons you wake must be fought
When you’re looking for salvation Better take some time to get your story straight Are you sure you’re ready for forgiveness You might have left it kind of late
Tonight No it’s never too late Tonight No it’s never too late
When you’re looking for salvation In another person’s life You better get yourself a witness You might consider a wife Tonight, tonight
So listen to what I’m saying Don’t be listening to their fear You gotta jump into the water sometimes You gotta risk it all, my dear, my dear
‘Cause I can might be heading for some trouble You keep listening to their lies I know you have that nagging sickness sometimes We can change it all tonight Tonight, tonight
Тоха, спасибо! где надыбал?
Даже когда ему отрубили голову, он продолжал нести такую ...уйню, что палач в запале отрубил себе уши...
SnogViolator писал:
чем же он гавенный?
банальный, плоский, бесталанный.
попсятиной отдает.
этот офигенный вокал Дейва соединить бы с нормальным инструментальным оформлением - прекрасный альбом получился бы. А так он даже не воспринимается как альбом Гэна.
За текста огромное спасибо просто!)
Видать мне не показалось - Дейв действительно стал писать побольше объёма текста к песням.
Отредактировано 22.05.2012 / 16:00
Разум когда нибудь победит.
Огромное спасибо за тексты, теперь можно подпевать

Tosh писал:
I hope you make peace with the man in the moon (???)
You have seen better days. You have lived better ways.
Так, послушал, наконец!
Зацепили 4 песни: In The Morning, Longest Day, Take Me Back Home и Bitterman
Take me back home вообще гимн!
Говоря об альбоме в целом, он мне ощущается как саундтрек к фильму 70-х годов. Последнее танго в Париже, к примеру.
В целом, описывая сольное творчество Дэйва финансовым языком- безграмотное использование ликвидного актива ))
У него бесценный голос и потрясающая харизма, но нет чутья на правильных людей. Или нет правильного человека рядом, направляющего в правильное русло.
Отредактировано 23.05.2012 / 11:40
Все будет хорошо, даже, если будет иначе!
Dante писал:
Так, послушал, наконец!
Зацепили 4 песни: In The Morning, Longest Day, Take Me Back Home и Bitterman
Жень, а как же PRESENCE OF GOD и GONE TOO FAR??? 
Даже когда ему отрубили голову, он продолжал нести такую ...уйню, что палач в запале отрубил себе уши...
