[14.09.2006 / 15:19]
Кто-нибудь вообще что-то знает про него?
Что-то я порылся в инете - и ничего толком и не нашел о нем. Да еще и фамилия Нильсон в Швеции, походу как у нас Иванов :) Их там таких миллион :) |
[14.09.2006 / 22:02]
Для тех, кто понимает по-швэдски:)
http://www.gp.se/gp/jsp/Crosslink.jsp... А для тех, кто не понимает - перевод этой статьи по-английски Depeche do video in Gothenburg Music: Depeche Mode do their new video in Gothenburg. In charge: Andreas Nilsson, visual mind behind The Knife. The new Depeche Mode video is done in Gothenburg, but without the three bandmembers. Depeche Mode just finished a gigantic worldtour with stops at both Gothenburg and Stockholm. In November there is a new compilation out called "Best Of part 1" and a new single "Martyr". The song was recorded for PTA released in oct 2005 but was saved for later. It's to that song The artist/guitarist Andreas Nilsson now get's the glorious assignment of doing a video for. "Lot's of fun! They are my old idols and still going strong. The song is in addition to that very good" says Andreas. It was the through the singer Dave whom seen and liked Andreas video for The Knifes Silent Shout that he came in cantact with the band. The filming started about a week back from now and was filmed amongst other i Svenska Grammofonstudion in Gothenburg, a recordingstudio run by Kalle Gustafsson Jerneholm from Soundtrack of our lives. Depeche Mode does not appear, in likeness with Andreas earlier work, not in the video. He can or will not tell us what the video is about, the work has just begun and is far from ready. For Andreas, also guitarist in Silverbullit, is the Depeche-video of course a big breakthrough and he admits that it goes suprisingly well for him. "Yes, you can say that. Especially as i never intended on the whole to make videos." |
[15.09.2006 / 01:01]
а для тех, кто понимает по-русски, вот:
http://www.depeche-mode.ru/index.php?... Все-таки хотелось бы узнать нечто бОльшее о нем. |
[15.09.2006 / 22:26]
Кто ищет, тот найдет
[16.09.2006 / 13:59]
Офигенный ответ! 5 баллов тебе!
[16.09.2006 / 14:36]
http://www2.depeche-mode.com/home/art... похоже, сдулось Martyr Video... а как хотелось... или его для заманухи на Vol.2 сунут... вот это буит умораа :)))))
[16.09.2006 / 15:49]
Странно, да! Но сто пудово он должен быть на Martyr DVD Single. Другого варианта я пока не вижу.
Но ваще че-то странно, что на ДВД к сборнику не будет этого видео. |